Choosing myself

I choose myself. In all the silliness, the ADD, recovering codependency, the Christopher Evans obsession, the weird ability to consume books tv, and information really, like air. The desire to help ease other people’s pain and staunchly avoid my own.

I choose myself. In all the silliness, the ADD, recovering codependency, the Christopher Evans obsession, the weird ability to consume books, tv, and information really, like air. The desire to help ease other people’s pain and staunchly avoid my own.

I choose. me. I understand that there are others who may not get it or take it personally. No need, it’s nothing against anyone. I just like my own company and want to enjoy my own thoughts and feelings for a while. Go at it solo and see where life takes me.

People are great; they are wonderful and luminous. I enjoy being around people a lot. Maybe even too much. I need to spend time crafting my own self. What I stand for, what I tolerate, what I choose to spend my days doing. I cannot fill it with the lives that other people have chosen. I have a tendency to choose other people against my own self.

No more, I am staring myself in the mirror everyday. For better or for worse. I am working on my own flaws and mistakes and habits. I am rebuilding. It’s so much easier to do that when I’m not allowing myself to be enabled by others. Friends are great, but most of the time, they just support blindly. I understand unconditional support but there is a limit.

I want to grow. I want to develop into a better version of myself. But I know that it takes time, honesty and hard work.

So that is the journey I’m on right now. Choosing myself. Choosing to work on myself, love myself, heal myself and dream for myself.

At last, I am choosing me.

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